This is PAWriters.com.  Originally, it was to be a forum environment for authors of Post-Apocalyptic Fiction.   And then … after telling a few friends about it, whom I did NOT know were also ‘kinda-sorta’ writers …

Well, we now support several genres with more to come.

We also have created a category and multiple forums for those who help authors do better such as coaches through the publishing gambit to actual editors and publishers.

The site is open to all who wish to use it.  Registration and an account IS required to participate.  We do this so we can track metrics of who is being read the most, who is attracting the most comments and replies, etc.




Our site is setup a little differently and is still a work in progress.  We start with Categories representing Genres.  If you do not see a genre you are interested in, drop @ForumAdmin a message in the system with your request and we will get it set up for you.

The next level is the what the authors of this forum software referred to as ‘Forums’.  Each genre only has two.  One for ‘Works in Progress’ and one for ‘Finished Works’.  As an author, when you have finished a work,  we invite you to migrate your work to the Finished Works forum.  This IS a manual process, at the moment.  Though I am working to have this modified by the software authors.  

As far as levels go inside the Works Levels are where the stories go.  These are ‘subforums’ for the software authors.  At the time of opening the site, there is not a user permission to allow non administrators to create ‘Subforums’ for the stories.  This has been requested and item #1 to be made available by the software authors.

Inside the subforums is where the REAL good stuff is.  Each subforum is a story.  Each story chapter is a separate Topic.  And comments are allowed and welcome at the topic level.  This makes reading and catching up on a story much easier to do.

As the site grows and we start getting more traffic, and more readers, and more contributors, We will be able to get more of the features and functions we need.

But enough of my blathering on about using the site.  TO get started, click the “Forum” link in the menu and enjoy reading what others have written.  And don’t forget to register so you can leave comments or add your own story!